Valuation Services : Know Your Business Value

Valuation Services : Know Your Business Value

The increased competition in the global market has encouraged both Inbound and Outbound Acquisitions as an important strategic choice for inorganic growth. Whether you’re buying, selling or looking for investors, you’ll want to make sure any valuation of your business is realistic, objective and based on industry expertise.

We assist businesses in knowing their worth by undertaking their startup value which finally help the promoters in taking informed decisions while entering into any transaction. We understand how your business is unique, and assess all the specific factors affecting its value.

To raise funds from investors in exchange of the shares in the company, you need to value a startup. Fund raising and share dilution normally depends on the kind of investor you are raising funds from (Angel investor, Micro Venture Capitalist, Venture Capitalist, friends and relatives, etc). Normally, 15%-25%  shares get diluted at this stage and founders need to be careful in dilution as they may have to raise funds in future as well and may have to dilute more equities.

Valuation at this stage is mainly determined based on various factors including how much funds you need to run the business for a given time period Investors generally want to see growth in 18 months. Example: If your business needs around Rs 1 crore and your company raises Rs 1 crore in exchange of 20% shares, value of your company is Rs 5 crores (Rs 1cr / 20%)

Our approach for business valuation

Our approach factors in the way Peer Companies are currently Valued and Independent transactions are getting Valued by the Investors and we deliver our clients well reasoned defensive valuation report. Corporate Professionals has the experience and commitment necessary to provide practical and timely private equity valuation consulting services. We come in a league of one of the best investment Consultant.

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