Category: Service

Shop And Establishment Registration | Process | Fees
Shop And Establishment Registration | Process | Fees

What is Shop & Establishment Registration

Most of the businesses in India including shops, restaurants, cafes, etc.; are regulated under the provisions of the Shop & Establishment Registration Act. To regulate the work environment, as well as the rights of the workers, are being protected, it is mandatory to get your business registered under the Shop and establishments Act. However, the rules and regulations vary from state to state, in which the act aims at providing proper working conditions to the laborers and taking care of their holidays, wages, and rights. The License is issued to the following establishments:-

  • Business
  • Trade
  • Professions Registered under the Shop and Establishment Act.
  • The Shops and Establishment act makes sure that both organized and unorganized sectors are providing appropriate working conditions to the laborers. Such as the applicant (Establishment) has to file an online application concerning his state’s official portal.

What are the Aspects Regulated as per the provisions of the Act?

The Shop and Establishment Act has made various provisions to regulate the aspects relating to the working of shops and establishment in India. Following are Some Key Aspects Regulated by Them:-

  • Maximum working hours of the employees/ labors
  • Time duration allotted for meals and rest
  • Regulating laws to prohibit child labor in factories and other establishments
  • Women employment
  • Number of compulsory weekly holidays provided to the employees
  • Close/off days of the establishments/shops
  • Opening and closing hours of the establishments/shops
  • Wages to employees for the holidays
  • Accidents coverage policies
  • Preventive measures against fire
  • Proper ventilation and lighting for workers
  • Clean and hygienic premises for the workers
  • Conditions and timing for the payment
  • Regulation of deductions on the payments
  • Leave Policy
  • Dismissal
  • Also, Employee’s proper record keeping

Note: Additionally, any more information related to the Shop and Establishment Act can be gathered on the relative state government portal.

What are the Benefits of Registration?

  • Legal Recognition : Shops and Establishment license provides legal recognition to the respective establishment/shop.
  • Acts As A Business Proof : For further business registration in India, the Shops and Establishment license acts as a business proof.
  • Helpful In Opening The Bank Accounts And Other Formalities : The registration of Shops and Establishments becomes necessary for reasons like opening a bank account in the name of the establishment/shop.
  • Provides A Platform For Raising New Investment : The Shops and Establishment license helps the proposed entrepreneur in raising investments through loans or venture capitals for the proposed business establishment.
  • Avails The Government Benefits : By getting the shop and establishment license, the entrepreneur can avail of the government benefits in different stages of business.
  • Saves Time : As the process of shop act registration has turned online, it saves time in the registration procedure as well as creates less hectic while in operation.

Who are Eligible to Obtain a Shop and Establishment License in India?

  • Wholesalers or the retailer’s shops and establishments
  • Service Centers
  • Warehouses, Storerooms, and Godowns
  • Additionally, any other working places
  • Hotels
  • Eateries and restaurants
  • Entertainment houses, Amusement parks, Theaters, etc

What are the Documents Required for the Shop and Establishment License?

Documents required for Shop and Establishment License –

  • Id proof such as Aadhar card/PAN card/ voter identification card/ driving license of the employer.
  • Documents such as a Passport size photograph of the employer
  • The affidavit, Cancelled cheque, and also Bank statement,
  • As well as a photo of the establishment/ shop along with the employer
  • In the case of rented property, a copy of the rent agreement
  • Additionally, Any utility bill of the working premises.

Other Documents Required As Per The Establishment Or Business Entity

  • In this case of a trust, a list of the number of trustees
  • Certificate of incorporation, MOA, and AOA as per the Companies Act,
  • In this case of co-operative societies, as a list of number of members and chairman
  • Partnership deed with all the important information such as the name of the partners along with their signature and share percentage of partners.

If you are looking for your Shop & Establishment Registration, you can reach out to Chartered Accountants listed on CA in Delhi‘s homepage.

FSSAI License Registration | Eligibility | Documents Required | Fees
FSSAI License Registration | Eligibility | Documents Required | Fees

What is Basic FSSAI Registration

FSSAI License Registration in which FSSAI stands for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, which is responsible for the issuance of food licenses to Food Business Operators. It is the apex body incorporated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Such as the Government of India is accountable for setting up standards for selling, packaging, or storage of food items in India. Additionally, it was set up under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.

Same way all proprietary food units require to get registration/license. Proprietary food means an article of food that has not been standardized under these regulations, but does not include any novel food, foods for special dietary use, foods for special medical purposes, functional foods, nutraceuticals, health supplements and such other articles of food which the central government may notify in this behalf.

It is essential for food business operators like manufacturers, traders, and food store owners to obtain the Registration. Furthermore, there are two types of food licenses depending on the size or scale of the food business, namely, FSSAI License and Basic FSSAI Registration.

Who Requires a Basic Registration?

Every Food Business Operator like hawkers, petty retailers, etc having an annual turnover of upto 12 lacs is under obligation to be registered under the FSSAI Law. Currently, the FSSAI authority is not accepting any registration application for Basic FSSAI License other than any Proprietor/or Proprietary food units. A Food Business Operator must take note that a Basic FSSAI is mandatory if the Business Falls in any below-mentioned Categories.

  • Manufacture
  • Procurement
  • Processing
  • Distribution
  • Storage
  • Packaging

To be more precise and elaborate, any company or an individual that operates with food substances from the manufacturing units to the serving dishes must obtain the Basic FSSAI Registration.

What are the Benefits of Getting an FSSAI License?

Basic FSSAI License is mandatory for anyone who aims to do food business. This not only involves food preparation but also who handles food at various stages before it eventually reaches the customer like –

  • Raw materials,
  • Manufacturing,
  • processing,
  • Mess,
  • Canteen packing and,
  • The distribution as well as the agencies who have authority to sell them.

The benefit of FSSAI License and Registration that help businesses are as given below: –

  • Aware The Consumers : Consumers are becoming more mindful of the nature & quality of their food, which deserves to give many thanks to today’s digital world. Therefore, holding a valid Basic Registration allows for enhancing the level of food credibility and chances of businesses to improve.
  • Ensures Goodwill And Brand Image : The FSSAI logo can ensure goodwill among consumers, which is widely recognized in the food market.
  • Creates Trustworthiness : It makes food as well as quality more reliable and, trustworthy on science-based principles.
  • Rationalization : Streamlines all the processes occupied from manufacturing to distribution as well as the sale of the food products in the market.
  • Maintains Cleanliness And Hygiene : The Important facets of hygiene, cleanliness followed, regulated after the registration completed.
  • Expansion And Growth : FSSAI registration positively influences the production and dependability of the company. Therefore, FSSAI registration gives it a huge chance for a business to expand and grow.
  • Provides Quality Assurance : FSSAI is also liable for setting procedures and guidelines for the attributed labs’ quality assurance as per ISO17025. This enables the customer to think the product is safe to consume in any aspect, as well as it adheres to the guidelines prescribed by the FSSAI Authority.

What is the Checklist Eligibility for FSSAI Basic Registration?

All Small business operators in one state, registered under Basic FSSAI Registration. FSSAI certificate permitted to the state in which the business is located. The eligibility criteria for the basic FSSAI registration are as follows:-

  • Food business operators like wholesalers, dealers, distributors, food sellers, hawkers, bars, restaurants,
  • Food storage units, Dhaba, restaurants, hotels with an annual turnover of upto 12 lakhs.
  • Retailers with operations restricted to sell consumer items.
  • Small-scale manufacturers processing products.
  • Food Manufactures/units.
  • Entities that sell food except the ones serving at any social or religious gathering.
  • The cottage industries related to food.
  • Milk units carrying the dairy processing that have a capacity not surpassing 500 liters per day or have up to 2.5 tons of milk solids annually.
  • Slaughter capacity for not more than 2 large and 10 small cattle, 50 poultry birds per day.
  • Manufacture or refining in solvents and refineries of vegetable oil components, like oil expeller devices. Up to 100 kg/liters (not including milk and meat) per day.

What Documents are Required for Registration?

Following list of documents you would require for the issuance of Basic Registration:

  • FSSAI Declaration,
  • As a copy of identity proof of food business operator,
  • A copy of proof of possession of premise such as rent agreement,
  • and also MOA, AOA, Partnership deed, etc. – depending on the type of entity,
  • Category of food products involved,
  • Also, Plan of food safety management system

Note: Additionally, Documents required For Manufacturers

FAQ- Frequently Asked Question

What is the validity of FSSAI registration?

FSSAI licenses issued to food businesses are valid for a period of 1 to 5 years.

When should I renew my FSSAI license?

It is mandatory to apply for license renewal 30 days before the expiry of the existing license. Non-renewal of licenses can fetch a fine of ₹100 per day until the renewal is done.

What licenses should I get if I have multiple manufacturing units in different states?

The registered office of your company will need a central license. Your manufacturing units will also need individual state licenses for each state they’re in.

Do I need an FSSAI license for the import of food to sell in India?

Yes, you do. You need a central license registered from the address in the import-export code.

Is a license from FSSAI mandatory for the manufacture of food additives alone?

Yes, whether you manufacture, distribute, transport, or trade food additives, you will need an FSSAI license to do it.

Is the FSSAI license needed for a catering business authorized by the central government?

It is mandatory for all catering establishments, even the railways, defense, and airports to get an FSSAI license.

How long does it take to get the FSSAI registration done?

For a basic FSSAI registration, it takes 7-10 days from the day the application is filed. For state and central licenses, it may take up to 30 days to get your license.

What is the function of FSSAI?

FSSAI has been created for laying down science-based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.

If you are looking for your FSSAI License Registration, you can reach out to Chartered Accountants listed on CA in Delhi ‘s homepage.

Company Registration In India | Documents Required | Fees | Types
Company Registration In India | Documents Required | Fees | Types

Company Registration In India can be done in various forms and can get confusing sometimes. The most confusing question that pops up in mind – whether I should incorporate a private limited company, an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership), or an OPC (One Person Company). Isn’t it? No worries! This article will clear your doubts and un-clutter your mind so that you can confidently go ahead and start taking action.
In this article, we will brief you about each form of business based on which you may dig deeper into the form of company you are interested in:

Different Types Of Company Registration

In the Indian legal system, the system allows various types of companies to exist under different Types of company registration in India and the following are :

Private Limited Company Registration :

A Private Limited Company Registration is a privately maintained small business existence, which is one of the highly recommended to start a business in India. The Companies Act 2013 governs Pvt. Ltd. company registration. While a minimum of 2 shareholders is required to start a private company, the limit of members is 200 Companies Act, 2013.

Limited Liability Partnership Registration :

LLP Registration is a type of partnership firm which is mostly preferred by the entrepreneur. It is the easiest form of business structure with the benefit of limited liability. LLP registration gives freedom to partners to form a partnership structure where the liability of each partner is limited to the amount they contribute to the business. Limited liability partnership firm registration means that if the partnership fails, creditors cannot ask for the partner’s personal property or income.

One-Person Company Registration :

A One-Person Company Registration is that has only one person as a member. OPC Registration was introduced to encourage individuals who are capable of starting their own business. As Per Section 2(62) of the Companies Act, 2013, One Person Company means a company that has only one person as a member. One Person Company is bringing the unstructured Proprietorship Business into the structured version of a private company. OPC is opening the path for sole proprietors and Start-Ups.

Partnership Firm Registration :

A Partnership Firm Registration enables a well-recognized business structure formed with the mutual consent of all the partners for a profitable purpose. The firm is managed, owned, and controlled by a set of people that are known as partners and have some shared capital in the firm. A partnership firm is done under the Partnership Act, 1932 with very little documentation and formalities.

Sole Proprietorship Registration :

A Sole Proprietorship Registration is owned and managed by an individual. In a sole proprietorship business, there is no legal difference between the owner and the business. To put it in another way a sole proprietorship is not a legal entity, where an is responsible for clearing off the debts of the business. The sole proprietorship is a preferable and popular business form. It is simple and easy to form a nominal cost.

Section 8 Company Registration :

Registration of Section 8 Company under the Companies Act, 2013 as a Non-profit organization. As we all know NPO can be registered as Trust by executing a Trust deed or, As a society under the Registrar of Societies, or, As a non-profit company under Section 8 Company of the Companies Act, 2013.

Public Limited Company Registration :

Public Limited Company Registration in which companies enjoy all the rights of a corporate entity with limited liabilities and is an ideal choice for the small and medium scale enterprises who wish to raise equity capital from the general public. Just like other companies, Public Limited Company is also registered as per the rules and regulations of the Companies Act, 2013. It can be incorporated with a minimum number of three directors and has more stringent rules and regulations as compared to a Pvt. Ltd. Company.

US Company Registration :

The USA is infamously known for being a great business hub. It can enlarge your business and registering your company there would also be a key factor for the success of your business.

For starting a business in the USA, the first step is to start with the company registration process. There are a few steps that need for US company registration. The USA government has given few relaxations to foreign nationals who want to set up a business over there. A foreigner can set up or incorporate a company via online mode either as Inc or an LLC by following a simple procedure. Most foreign nationals are willing to set up a business in the USA, due to its foundational technology, infrastructure, and resources available in the country.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules for picking a name for a private limited company?

The registrar of companies (RoC) across India expects applicants to follow a few naming guidelines. Some of them are subjective, which means that approval can depend on the opinion of the officer handling your application. However, the more closely you follow the rules listed below, the better your chances of approval. First, however, do ensure that your name is available.

How much time is needed for setting up a private limited company in India?

If you have all the documents in order, it will take no longer than 15 days. However, this is dependent on the workload of the registrar.

Do I need to be physically present during this process?

No, new company registration is a fully online process. As all documents are filed electronically, you would not need to be physically present at all. You would need to send us scanned copies of all the required documents & forms.

What documents are required to complete the process?

All directors must provide identity and address proof, as well as a copy of the PAN card (for Indian nationals) and passport (for foreign nationals). No-objection certificate must be submitted by the owner of the registered office premises.

Does a private limited company have continuous existence?

Yes, so long as the annual compliances are met, the private limited company will continue to exist. If you do not comply with the requirements, it will go dormant, until it is struck off the register altogether.

Is it necessary to have a company’s books audited?

Yes, a private limited company must hire an auditor, no matter what its revenues. In fact, an auditor must be appointed within 30 days of incorporation. Compliance is important with a private limited company, given that penalties for non-compliance can run into lakhs of rupees and even lead to the blacklisting of directors.

What are articles of association and memorandum of association?

These documents contain the rules, vision, and mission of your organization, and define, among other things, the exact business and the roles and responsibilities of shareholders and directors.

What is the minimum capital needed to form a private limited company?

There is no minimum capital required for starting a private limited company.

Can the limited liability partnership (LLP) be converted to a private limited company?

No, one cannot convert an LLP into a private limited company as it is not an MCA. The LLP Act, 2008, and the Companies Act, 2013, both don’t have any provisions on the conversion of the LLP is a private limited company. However, if one wants to expand their business they can register a new private limited company with the same name. The LLP company needs to just issue a no-objection certificate.

If there are no partners available, then can one register their family members in the company?

Yes, it is good to register a family member as a partner. At a later stage, one can change this or transfer shares of the directors.

If you are looking for your Company Registration, you can reach out to Chartered Accountants listed on CA in Delhi ‘s homepage.

LUT Registration Online| Fees | Process | Documents
LUT Registration Online| Fees | Process | Documents

What is LUT Registration

To promote the export of goods or services, the government has provided various reliefs and benefits under GST. Exports help to create employment, achieve a favorable balance of payment situation and boost the economic growth of the country. GST law provides 2 options to exporters:-
1) Export without payment of Taxes by applying for LUT Registration or Export Bond.
2) Export with payment of Taxes and claim a refund later.

Export Without Charging GST Using LUT – Letter of Undertaking

Generally, when an entity exports goods or services, are required to pay taxes. However, the GST law allows taxpayers to claim a refund of these taxes paid.

The GST method also offers an attractive alternative, where the taxpayer can apply for a Letter of Undertaking or Export bonds with the GST department. If the application is accepted by the department then the taxpayer is not required to pay any taxes on export, sparing the efforts for claiming a refund and avoid blocking of funds payment of taxes.

What is LUT Registration – Letter of Undertaking

The Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is a prescribed document to be furnished in Form GST RFD 11 under rule 96A, whereby the exporter declares that he/she would fulfill all the requirements prescribed under GST while exporting without making IGST payment. Any person registered under GST can submit a LUT only if they have not been prosecuted for tax evasion exceeding Rs. 2.5 Crore, or for any other offense under the CGST Act, the IGST Act 2017, or any other existing law. If the exporter does not meet the LUT requirements, his privileges can be revoked and he must leave a deposit.

Please note :

Letter of Undertaking (LUT) is to be filed online before exporting any goods/services.

Benefits Of LUT And Bond

  • Export of good or services without having to pay taxes
  • Avoid the trouble refund of the tax paid on exports
  • Frees up working capital
  • LUT once filed remains valid for a period of 12 months from the date of submission.
  • The entire process of filing LUT, acceptance by the department online. Bond is to be manually by submit to the department.

Documents Required For LUT

In Case Of LUT

  • Previous LUT Certificate
  • GST Login ID and Password
  • DSC of authorized signatory
  • Details of witnesses (Name, Occupation, and Address)

In Case Of Bond

  • GST Form RFD – 11 on the letterhead of the entity
  • Bond on stamp paper
  • Guarantee from Bank
  • Details of witnesses (Name, Occupation, and Address)
  • Authority letter (In case of a company – Board Resolution)
  • Other supporting documents
  • Copy of IEC code
  • Canceled Cheque
  • Pan card
  • Export Invoice

If you want to get started with LUT Registration, reach out to Chartered Accountants from CA in Delhi ‘s homepage

IEC Registration Online | Fees | Process | Documents
IEC Registration Online | Fees | Process | Documents

What is IEC Registration Online

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce & Industries, issues IEC Registration Online. Indian companies to have IEC registration if companies want to expand their business via Import and Export. Import-Export Code is a ten-digit code provided by DGFT, the purpose of the Import-Export License is to regulate and monitor the foreign trade in India.

For carrying out Import Export activities in India obtaining IEC registration is compulsory, without having an IEC license no involvement in import-export. Plus, if any business wants to entertain the benefits provided by the government then getting IEC registration is a must. RBI has made it compulsory for all the traders to provide their Import Export Code during any payment transfer.

In the present growing competition, businesses, to survive their substitutes available in the domestic market, are stepping out of their local presence. With back to back innovations and the generation of new ideas in business, the emergence of e-commerce, business operating in local limits finds it important to operate globally by stepping abroad.

There are several methods to go beyond the domestic level, such as amalgamation for foreign brands, opening franchisees abroad, starting a subsidiary or branch office abroad, or through import-export business. Doing business at the global level is not that easy as it sounds.

Import Export Code (IEC) once gave can be utilized by the entity all through its existence and it doesn’t necessarily need any renewal. When the organization has gotten IEC, at that point the organization can involve in import-export necessities with no issues.

Key Features

  • No business can indulge in Import/Export activities without taking IEC registration
  • It works as a proof that a firm is involve in import/export of goods and products
  • Once obtained, an IEC exists for a lifetime. This implies it does not require any renewal.
  • It is not mandatory to involve in import or export of goods for individual or legislative purposes.
  • IEC is obligatory for making foreign bank transfers
  • It is substantial for all parts of importers or exporters business.

When is IEC required?

  • IEC Registration Online did to import and export goods. Passes vendor code details with the port through which the imported-exported take place. Vehicle goods is confined, IEC helps in import-export code without giving the total data trading can be done .
  • Custom authorities will only clear your shipment as an importer if you have an IEC number.
  • The bank needs IEC registration in order to send money abroad
  • To make his shipments clear an exporter needs IEC registration at the custom port
  • IEC registration is needed when an exporter receives payment in foreign currency directly into his bank account
  • Only on the basis of IEC registration, the government of the other countries verifies the trader.

Benefits of IEC Registration

Till now it is clear that Import Export Code is a ten-digit code which is essential for every business to obtain who wants to indulge in import-export activities. In India DGFT issues IEC. IEC Registration is the first thing that businesses need to import or export any item from India to some other nation. IEC registration paves the way for many new opportunities for the business personnel.

Here Are The Few Benefits Of Registration:

  • Expansion Of Business : Business can expand in the global market and export goods, products outside the nation’s territory, create a name in the international market.
  • Availing Several Benefits : IEC registration, businesses can enjoy several benefits given by Export Promotion Council, DGFT, and Customs.
  • No Need Of Return Filing : IEC doesn’t include in the filing of return. Once IEC allocated, there isn’t any necessity to follow procedures for its legitimacy. In any event, of the export transaction, DGFT doesn’t order for filing any return.
  • Hassle-Free Processing : Acquiring IEC from DGFT simple, get within a time of 10-15 days in the wake of the application. No evidence required for IEC Registration.
  • Free For Lifetime : Once obtained IEC, can enjoy its validity till eternity, free for a lifetime plus there is no need for any renewal.
  • Government Authorizes Proof : Import-Export Code provided by the DGFT. At the time of clearance of shipment, one can show this identity number.

Documents Required for IEC Registration

The documents needed for IEC registration are as follows:-

  • Scanned copy of proof of incorporation/establishment/ registration for the specified entity. This supporting document is mandatory for Registered Society, HUF, Partnership, Trust, Others.
  • Scanned copy of Photograph (Passport Size)
  • Pan of company / individual / partnership firm / LLP
  • ID proof of individual – Aadhar card, passport, voter id, Mobile no. and email-id
  • You must have a Current or Savings bank account in a bank that contracts and transacts in Foreign Exchange.
  • You should have a scanned copy of the rental/lease deed, sale deed, electricity/phone bill for address verification
  • Submit the scanned copy of the RBI approval letter if an applicant Non-Resident Indian or Non-Resident interested in the Company/firm.
  • Should have ‘Bankers Certificate’ in OR format, scanned copy of ‘Cancelled Cheque’ with Entity’s or Individual’s name pre-printed on it.
  • You should have a ‘Debit/Credit card or Net Banking account’ for Online payment of Government Fees of Rs. 500/- only.
  • In case company applicable, you must have the details of Proprietor and all partners in case of firm or Director
  • The user should have an active Aadhaar or DSC of the firm’s member for submission.

FAQ- Frequently Asked Question

What is IE Code? What is the Merchandise export from India (MIES) scheme?

IEC stands for Import Export code which is a 10 digit number issued by the Director-General of Foreign Trade, Department of Commerce, Government of India. It is a registration required for traders importing or exporting goods and services to or from India. Under the MEIS Scheme, numerous rewards and incentives are provided to exporters. Such incentives are given to exporters at a prescribed rate that varies from product to product.

Who requires an Importer Exporter Code?

Any person/company dealing in international trade of export and import of goods and services need to register for IE code.

Is there any tax levied based on IE Code?

IE Code is not a tax registration. However, certain customs duties may be levied depending on the product.

Can individuals obtain IE Code?

Anyone who is acting as sole proprietor of a business can obtain IE Code Registration.

Can Export /Import be made without having an Importer Exporter Code?

No. IEC is a mandatory document for recognition by Govt. of India as an Exporter / Importer of goods and services. However, if the value of goods is too low, the customs authorities may permit the first export by imposing nominal charges which are highly unlikely to happen.

Can individuals obtain IE Code?

Anyone who is acting as sole proprietor of a business can obtain IE Code Registration.

What are the documents required for IEC registration?

To obtain IE code registration, a copy of the PAN Card, proof of address of the business, and constitution of the business [Partnership deed, Incorporation Certificate, etc.,] and a canceled cheque of the current account is required.

Does the Custom department use IEC?

Yes, the IEC number is reflected in all customs documents related to exports and imports.

Is company registration required to get IEC?

No, there is no need for a customer to start a company to apply for IEC Certificate

If you want to get started with IEC Registration, reach out to Chartered Accountants from CA in Delhi‘s homepage

GST Registration | Limit | Documents Required | Process | Fees
GST Registration | Limit | Documents Required | Process | Fees

What is GST?

GST is an indirect tax that has replaced all the prevailing indirect taxes suitable until now. It is mainly a mixed form of all the other taxes which will cater for a single and streamline the method. After the introduction of GST, it essentially gives the thought of ‘One nation one tax’.The taxes are taxed at a single rate. The whole amount or accumulation, then divided between both Central and State governments in the title of CGST and SGST or IGST. This article will guide all about GST Registration

Who needs GST Registration?

  • Any business entity whose aggregate turnover in a financial year exceeds Rs 40 lakhs (Rs 20 lakhs for special category states in GST).
  • Note-This clause does not apply if the entity is only dealing in supply of goods/services which are exempt under GST,
  • Every entity registered under an earlier law of taxation (i.e., Excise, VAT, Service Tax, etc.) needs to get register under Goods and Service Tax.
  • Any entity or supplier dealing in inter-state supply of goods.
  • Casual taxable person
  • A tax-payer under the reverse charge mechanism
  • Input service distributor and its agent
  • E-Commerce operator or aggregator*
  • Non-Resident taxable person
  • Agents of a supplier
  • A Person who supplies through E-commerce aggregator.
  • Entities who are providing online information, acquiring database, or retrieval services from a place located outside India to a person in India, other than a registered taxable person

Certain businesses must file under GST. Carrying out business without filing is a crime and can lead to hefty penalties.

What are the Types of GST in India?

For GST administration, a model designed where the government (Central and State) have powers to impose and collect taxes through their respective legislations.

The Types of GST are Central GST, State GST, Integrated GST, and Union Territory GST. The details are given below:-

  • Central GST: CGST imposed a tax on the Intra State supplies of goods and services by the Central Government. When the place of the seller and the buyer is in the same state it is termed as an Intra-state supply of goods or services. A seller to collect both CGST and SGST in which CGST remains with the Central government while the SGST collected by the State government.
  • State GST: SGST is the tax levied on the Intra State supplies of goods and services by the State Government.
  • Integrated GST: Integrated GST govern by the IGST Act, the seller collects IGST from the buyer, the tax collected, divided between the Central and State Governments.
  • Union Territory GST: Union Territory GS applicable when any goods & services used in (UTs) of India, the revenue collected by the government of the union territory.

What are the Constituents of GST?

  • Registration Number
  • Legal Name and Constitution of business
  • Trade Name
  • Period of validity
  • Types of taxpayer
  • Date of Liability
  • Signature of the applicant

What is the Structure of 5 Slabs Under GST?

GST regimes are made by considering all the layman and inflation rates in mind. To make it simpler and easier, the GST is structured following the four tiers structure. These four zones are given below, which are as follows-

  • Zero Rates: Zero rate tax means – nil tax to apply on the goods and/or services.
  • Lower Rate: Lower tax rate determines the 5% tax rate applied on the CPI (Consumer Price Index) basket & mass consumption.
  • Standard Rate : Standard rate includes 12% & 18% of the tax rates.
  • Higher Rates: Higher rates tax includes 28% of the tax rate under GST Regulation.

What are the Benefits of GST Registration

  • Simplifies Taxation Services : GST has combined a number of indirect taxes under one umbrella and integrated the Indian market.
  • Reduction In Costs Of Products & Services: With the introduction of GST, the cascading effect of a series of VATs, taxes erased which has resulted in the reduction of the cost of goods and services.
  • Helps In Avoiding Lengthy Taxation Services : GST Registration helps the small businesses in avoiding the lengthy taxation services. As the service providers with a turnover of less than 20 lakhs and goods provider with a turnover of less than 40 lakhs are exempt from paying the GST.
How to claim gst input credit
  • Aimed At Reducing Corruption And Sales Without Receipts: GST, introduced with an aim of reducing corruption and sales without receipts. Also, it helps in reducing the need for small companies to comply with various indirect taxes.
  • Uniformity In Taxation Process : GST Registration brings uniformity in the taxation procedure and allows centralized registration. This helps the businesses to file the tax returns every quarter through an online process.
  • Minimizing Tax Evasion: With the introduction of GST, tax evasion minimized to a great extent.
  • Higher Threshold For Registration: Earlier, in the VAT system, any business with a turnover of more than Rs 5 lakh was liable to pay VAT in India. The in-Service tax exempted service providers with a turnover of less than Rs 10 lakh. In the GST, the regime Threshold increased to Rs 20 lakh for a lot of small traders, service providers.
  • Composition Scheme For Small Businesses : Under GST, small business under turnover of Rs 20 to 75 lakh can benefit as it gives an option to lower taxes by using the Composition scheme. This move has brought down the tax and compliance burden on many small businesses.
  • Simple And Easy Online Procedure: The complete process of GST (from registration to filing returns) done online, and it is super simple. This has been advantageous for start-ups mainly, as they do not have to run from pillar to pillars to get diverse registrations such as VAT, excise, & service tax.
  • Compliances Is Lesser In Number: Previously, there was VAT & service tax, each of which had its own returns & compliances. In GST, on the other hand, just one unified return to be filed.
  • Regulations Of Unorganized Sector: In the pre-GST, often observed that certain industries in India like building construction and textile were largely unorganized and unregulated. Under GST, however, there are provisions for online compliances and payments, and for availing of input credit only when the supplier has accepted the amount. This has brought accountability and regulation to these industries.

What is the fees for GST Registration

The ideal range varies from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 3,000 based on the quality of service.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for GST Registration online?

Yes, you can apply for GST Registration online. You can simply register your business on the official GST portal and then scan and upload all the required documents. You will then receive an acknowledgment. A GSTIN will be generated on acceptance of the application and a temporary password and login will be sent. GSTIN is a unique 15-digit ID. A GSTIN Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura must get a GST registration if their supply turnover exceeds Rs. 10 lakh. As mentioned above, this threshold limit applies only to businesses that operate within their home state. A business that conducts trade with another state must seek registration regardless of turnover.

Is the GST threshold limit the same for all Indian states?

The exemption limit is a supply turnover of Rs. 20 lakh for businesses in all except for the Indian states in the northeast region. Businesses in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura must get a GST registration if their supply turnover exceeds Rs. 10 lakh. As mentioned above, this threshold limit applies only to businesses that operate within their home state. A business that conducts trade with another state must seek registration regardless of turnover.

How would the composition scheme work under GST?

The composition scheme under GST would be applicable to businesses with a turnover of up to Rs. 50 lakh. Small businesses with turnover less than Rs. 1 crore* (Rs. 75 Lakhs for Northeastern states) can opt for a composition scheme. Such taxpayers would pay a fixed percentage of their turnover and cannot avail of the benefits of an input tax credit. Such businesses cannot collect taxes from their customers. The floor rate of tax cannot be less than 1%. *GST Council has decided to increase the limit to Rs. 1.5 crores but official notifications are awaited.

Composition dealers are required to pay tax based on their business types.

  • They need to file only one return on a quarterly basis. Whereas normal taxpayers are required to file three returns on a monthly basis.
  • Composition dealers cannot collect taxes from customers
  • They cannot issue taxable invoices, i.e., collect tax from customers and are required to pay the tax out of their own pocket.
  • No input tax credits can be claimed

Persons who are not eligible for the GST composition scheme include:

  • Service providers (except restaurant owners)
  • Non-taxable goods suppliers
  • Sellers operating through an e-commerce platform
  • Suppliers involved in the inter-state supply of goods
  • Manufacturers of notified goods

Does GST apply to all businesses?

Yes, GST applies to all service providers, manufacturers, and traders. It extends to any dealers, bloggers, and writers, earnings from Google AdWords through PayPal, import-export businesses, all kinds of startups and companies, whether they are LLPs, proprietorships, partnerships, or private limited companies. It also applies, regardless of the threshold limit,

  • Businesses operating outside their home state
  • A business not registered to the state
  • Businesses paying a reverse charge
  • Input service distributor
  • E-commerce operators
  • Aggregators selling services under own brand name (Ola, for example)
  • Online sellers
  • Suppliers or agents

For a complete list of FAQs on GST Registration, please click here.

When to apply for multiple GST registrations?

  • Under the GST regime, only one registration is allowed against one PAN. However, businesses, which operate in more than one state must have
  • When a person runs a business in more than one state, then he must have a separate GST registration for each state.
  • If the business has multiple verticals within a state, then the registration has to be done for each business vertical.

You can reach, Chartered Accountants on CA in Delhi‘s homepage to get started with GST Registration

Know more about Documents required for GST Registration of Company

GST Registration In Delhi | Procedure | Documents Required
GST Registration In Delhi | Procedure | Documents Required

GST registration is mandatory for all entities involved in the buying or selling or providing of services in India. Our experienced Chartered Accountants are offering GST Registration In Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and in all other states of India.

GST (Goods and Service Tax) is a tax levied when a consumer buys goods or services. The main aim of introducing GST is to bring all the taxes into a single umbrella. This bill helps to eliminate the cascading effect of taxes on production, distribution prices on goods & services. Goods & service tax refers to the indirect tax which replaces taxes levied by the central & state government. Do refer GST rules and guidelines that you should follow to stay compliant

CA in Delhi is the leading business services platform in India, where you can find various Chartered Accountants to avail services like income tax filing, GST return filing, private limited company registration, trademark filing, and more. CA In Delhi can also help you obtain GST registration in Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and in all other states of India at a mere Rs. 1,999/-  and maintain GST compliance The average time taken to obtain GST Certificate is about 5 – 10 working days, subject to government processing time and client document submission.

Procedure For GST Registration:

Whether you do GST Registration in Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, or any state of India, the procedure remains the same. Below mentioned is the three-step procedure by which your business gets registered.

  1. GST Documents Preparation Preparation: A Chartered Accountant will help you prepare documents necessary for GST Registration. You can choose a Chartered Accountant from the list of highly qualified Chartered Accountants on CA in Delhi’s homepage.
  2.  GST Application Filing: Once the documents are ready, your Chartered Accountant will file your application online and provide you ARN number immediately.
  3. GST Registration Certificate: Once the GST application and the attached supporting documents are verified by the Officer, GSTIN and GST Certificate is provided.

Documents Required For GST Registration:

Documents for gst registration

1) PAN Card of the Business or Applicant

GSTIN is linked to the PAN of the business. Hence, PAN is required to obtain a GST certificate.

2) Identity and Address Proof of Promoters

Identity proof and address proof documents like PAN, passport, driving license, aadhaar card, or voter identity card must be submitted for all the promoters.

3) Business Registration Document

Proof of business registration like incorporation certificate or partnership deed or registration certificate must be submitted for all types of registered entities.

4) Address Proof for Place of Business

Documents like rental agreement or sale deed along with copies of electricity bill or latest property tax receipt or municipal khata copy must be submitted for the address mentioned in the GST application.

5) Bank Account Proof

A scanned copy of the first page of bank passbook showing a few transactions and the address of the business must be submitted for the bank account mentioned in the registration application.

6) Digital Signature

Class 2 or class 3 digital signature is required for the authorized signatory to sign and submit the GST application. In the case of a proprietorship, there is no requirement for a digital signature.

To get full details of the document based on your  business type, visit Documents Required For GST Registration


  1. Legally recognized as suppliers of goods or services
  2. Tax paid on the input goods or services which can be utilized for payment of GST, i.e., ITC allowed to registered persons.
  3. Legally authorized to collect tax from his purchasers
  4. Eligible to avail various other benefits and privileges rendered under the GST laws.

Penalties for not Completing GST Registration:

Offenders who do not pay tax or fail to make the full payment will face a penalty of 10% of the tax amount. The minimum amount of the fine will be Rs.10, 000 if the 10% amounts to anything less. In case of deliberate tax evasions, offenders will be charged a penalty of 100% of the tax amount. The penalty will be 10% of the tax due in case of genuine errors.

Persons not required to obtain GST

  •  An agriculturist, to the extent of supply of produce out of cultivation of land
  •  A person making supplies of goods or services that are not liable to tax under GST or wholly exempt under GST.
  •  Individual advocates (including senior advocates)
  •  Individual sponsorship service providers (including players)

Hire Chartered Accountant For GST Registration In Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, or any state in India: You can hire a Chartered Accountant from a list of highly qualified Chartered Accountants on CA In Delhi’s homepage

Public Limited Company Registration
Public Limited Company Registration


Public Limited Company Registration in which companies enjoy all the rights of a corporate entity with limited liabilities and is an ideal choice for the small and medium scale enterprises who wish to raise equity capital from the general public.

Just like other companies, Public Limited Company is also registered as per the rules and regulations of the Companies Act, 2013. A public Company enjoys the benefits of limited liabilities for its members and has the right to sell its shares for raising the capital of the company. 

It can be incorporated with a minimum number of three directors and has more stringent rules and regulations as compared to a Pvt. Ltd. Company.

It must have a minimum number of seven members whereas there is no limit for the maximum number of members.

It provides all the benefits of a private limited company along with more transparency and easy transferability of ownership and shareholding. Name, shares, formation, number of members, management and directors, etc differentiates any Public limited company from the private limited companies.

What is the difference between the Public limited Company and the Private Limited Company?

There are various points of difference between both these companies. Here are some chief differences between both :

Point Of DifferencePublic Limited Company  Private Limited Company  
Members  Minimum: 7 Maximum: No Limit  Minimum: 2 Maximum: 200  
DirectorsMinimum: 3  Minimum: 2  
Public InvitationsYesNo
Minimum Capital IncomeNoNo
Issuance Of ProspectusRequiredNot Required
Name DifferencesMust have “Limited” at the end of its nameMust have PVT LTD at the end of its name
Mandatory Statutory MeetingYesNo
Managerial RemunerationsThere are no as such restrictionsCannot exceed the limit of 11/% of the net profit
Stock ExchangeIs listed on stock exchange and stock trade is carried out publicly.Not listed on stock exchange neither carry out stock trade publicly.  

Benefits of Public Limited Company

Here are the benefits provided to the company with Public Ltd. company registration

Limited Liabilities For The Shareholders Of The Company

Shareholders of the public company enjoy the benefits of limited liabilities under which their assets are safe and cannot be used to clear the debts and losses of the company. Despite it, the shareholders are responsible for their legal offenses. All the members, directors, and shareholders enjoy this right and their assets cannot be seized by any bank, creditors, or government bodies.

Perpetual Succession

A public limited company is considered a corporate body that has perpetual succession. This means in case of death, retirement, insanity, and insolvency of one or more members/shareholders/ directors, the company continues its existence.

Improved Capital Of The Company

In a public limited company, the general public is invited to buy the shares of the company. Hence, anyone can invest in a public company that improves the capital of the proposed company.

Borrowing Capacity

A public company can enjoy unlimited sources for borrowing funds. It can issue equity, debentures and can accept the deposits from the general public by selling its shares. Moreover, most financial institutions find public companies more prominent than other unregistered companies.

Fewer Risks

Since public companies can sell their shares to the public, it lesser the scope of unsystematic risks of the market.

Better Opportunities For Growth And Expansion Of The Company :

Fewer risks lead to better opportunities so that the company can grow and expand by investing in new projects from the funds raised by selling its shares in the market.

What are the basic requirements of Online Public Ltd. Company Registration in India ?

According to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 here are the requirements you need to fulfill to incorporate a Public company in India:

  • The proposed company must have a minimum number of 7 shareholders
  • The proposed company must have a minimum number of 3 directors
  • No minimum capital required
  • At least one director should have a Digital Signature Certificate
  • Memorandum of Association and Article of Association.
  • After approval from the Registrar of the Companies, the proposed public company has to apply for the “Certificate of Business Commencement.”

Documents Required for Public Limited Company Registration

  • Identity Proof such as Aadhar card, PAN card, Driving License, Voter Id of all the designated directors and shareholders.
  • Address Proof of all the proposed directors and shareholders of the company.
  • PAN card details of all the directors and shareholders
  • Utility bills such as telephone, gas, water, or electricity bill of the registered office as a residential proof of the business place. It should not be older than 2 months.
  • A NOC or No Objection Certificate from the landlord of the business place.
  • DSC or Digital Signature Certificate of the designated directors