ACTIVE Form by MCA – INC 22A Active Form – India

ACTIVE Form by MCA – INC 22A Active Form – India

All Registered Companies Are Required to Submit ACTIVE Form

Are you aware of the recent notification from the MCA about ACTIVE Form yet? If not, you will definitely thank us to inform you and saving you from paying penalties. This mailer will guide tell you all about the recent notification from the government on ACTIVE Form

What is an ACTIVE Form?

ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) is an attempt by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in order to identify the ACTIVE Companies and to verify their registered office and eliminate shell companies

What is the deadline for submitting the ACTIVE Form

The last date to submit ACTIVE form is 25th April, 2019.

When did this notification come?

The notification was published by the MCA’s website on February 21, 2019, as per section 469 (1) and (2)

What if I don’t submit the ACTIVE Form?

A penalty will be charged from those companies who will file this form after the due date and the amount of penalty is Rs.10,000.- as per the ‘Companies(Registration offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2019′


TAG OF ‘ACTIVE NON-COMPLIANT COMPANY’The company will be marked with “ACTIVE – Non-compliant” at the portal of MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS and due to this, the company will not be allowed to carry on some transactions such as:

  • Change in Authorised Capital
  • Change in Paid-up Capital
  • Changes in Director Accept Cessation,
  • Change in Registered Office.
  • Amalgamation, De-merger

Documents Required for ACTIVE Form

  1. Longitude & Latitude of the address of Registered Office
  2. Photograph of Registered office showing external building and inside office showing at least One Director/KMP who is signing this form.
  3. E-Mail address of the Company (which will be verified by an OTP)
  4. List of all Directors with the requirement of active Status on MCA Portal
  5. SRN of AOC-4/XBRL and MGT-7 of FY-2017-18

Liability of professional for the wrong certification

It’s also a responsibility of a professional to ensure correctness and accuracy of the details mentioned in the form in relation to the registered office of the company. Failure to do so can make a professional liable for a penalty up to Rs 50 Lacs as per section 447, 448, and 449 of the Companies Act, 2013

Who can help me file ACTIVE Form

You can search from a list of Chartered Accountants mentioned at CA in Delhi ‘s homepage or can directly contact at 9711430728

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